List of UnrealFrontend Issues on 4.7.3 binary release

[FONT=Helvetica Neue]These are my issues with UnrealFrontend on binary 4.7.3 release trying to build for Windows.

**No Bit-iness Selector
**You cannot select or even see whether you are building for 32 or 64-bit. The package in editor feature allows you to select and see this.

**Shipping Builds are Broken
**Because shipping builds default to 64-bit and the file [FONT=Helvetica Neue]UE4Game-Redist-Launch-Win64-Shipping.lib is missing, shipping builds cannot complete successfully. Answerhub post.

[FONT=Helvetica Neue]**Packaging Fields are Vague
**It’s unclear how to set a destination folder for packaging. When Package & Store Locally is selected, there’s a Repository Path field and a [FONT=Helvetica Neue]permanently disabled [FONT=Helvetica Neue]*browse *button. Entering a local file path manually has no effect on the resulting build. This requires you to manually copy files from the Staged Builds folder on completion. In contrast with the editor that asks you what folder to put the packaged build in.

Finally, a nice to have would be the ability to define a post-build shell script.