can't include "Online.h" even after altering build.cs

My build.cs file looks like this:

using UnrealBuildTool;

public class Smashy : ModuleRules
	public Smashy(TargetInfo Target)
            new string] {

And i’ve rebuilt my solution. But including “Online.h” in any of my files results in a “cannot open source file” error. Any ideas?

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I solved this by changing the way i rebuilt the solution. instead of rebuilding from inside VS2013, i right clicked the uproject file in explorer and hit “generate visual studio project files”.


Thanks for that. That fixed it for me too.

Sep/2016 - ue4 4.12.5 confirmed fix for me as well! Thanks!

6/24/2017 4.16.1 this solved my problem as well but for OnlineSubsystem.h

Thanx. You saved my day. :slight_smile: