How to Upgrade your Github Engine to the Newly Released Engine Version

Dear Community,

I will be bumping this thread with each new engine version, as a reminder of how you can easily upgrade to the newest UE4 Github Engine release!

The end result of this Git Bash workflow is that you will have a series of distinct Github UnrealEngines exactly like when you download the release versions from the launcher and they all become distinct installations of UE4.

Here are the steps:

0. Create a new Directory/Folder!

Do not do any of this in your original/current github engine directory!

This workflow I am sharing with you is how you can download each new Github engine version to its own directory, and then update your remote repository!

This git bash workflow is non-destructive to any UE4 Engine customizations you have made as long as you follow this first step and clone your repo to a new directory!

1. Open up Git Bash (if you dont have it you can download it, it’s free)

( I post all the commands by themselves below)

2. First fork your own repo

git clone

3. Move into the new directory that was created when you cloned

cd UnrealEngine(new version)

4. Fetch upstream

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream

5. Make 4.5 branch

git checkout -b 4.5 upstream/4.5

6. Upload your newly acquired 4.5 branch to your remote repo

git push -u origin 4.5

7. Set Head!

git remote set-head origin 4.5

**As Just Git Commands**

Same as above without any explanations:


git clone
cd UnrealEngine(new version)
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b 4.5 upstream/4.5
git push -u origin 4.5
git remote set-head origin 4.5




PS: I did not come up with this git workflow myself, I got it from this forum originally and am reposting it for future reference.

I have used this workflow many times however, since 4.0 :)

As of 4.6 we just use “release” instead of an engine version number!

You run these commands in Git Bash or other Git terminal/shell.

Step 1

first fork own repo

git clone
# Clones your fork of the repository into the current directory in terminal

Step 2

git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b release upstream/release
git push -u origin release
git remote set-head origin release

Step 3

Run Ben Marsh’s wonderful “setup.bat” to get all your required dependencies

Step 4

Run GenerateProjectFiles

Step 5

Compile the new .sln that is created!

Step 6


