Free Asset! Old rusty Lantern

Hiho, to celebrate my first “complex” Model, i want to share it with you for free :slight_smile:
(Also i wanted to play with the UnrealPak Tool =)


  • the Static Mesh
  • a 1024x1024 Texture (with the Lantern Glass component as Alpha Channel)
  • The Material and a Material Inst (i forgot to make the Glow color a Parameter so you might need to do that yourself)

How to Install:

  • Simply unzip the .pak file somewhere in your Content/ folder


Cool gift ! Thank you.

Thank you .

Hi all,

Nice “complex” clean Model :stuck_out_tongue: ,
Are Uv Lightmap ?

Well for me its “complex” there are no maps included its just plain diffuse and as i said an alpha chan so you can apply roughness to the lantern glasses and make them glow as well
still learning this whole stuff

which folder ,please help