Deploying unreal engine 4 for OSX 10.9.5 domain environment


could i get some help with deploying unreal engine 4 for OSX 10.9.5

I downloaded latest installer from your site. Installed it, logged into my colleges account, download engine everything worked fine.

issue i am having is, when a different user logs into computer they have to download engine again. When you go to do that download sits at resuming and does not do anything else.

Is anyway engine can be put in a location that all users local and domain can use it? or even just local users?


Hi ,

Currently, it is not possible to install engine on user accounts other than Admin account on OSX. We are aware of issue and are looking into options to fix it.

Any progress on this?

This is an old thread but has there been any update on this? I’m trying to deploy in a college environment and applications will only run under admin login is there another way to deploy/package application?

Now that engine is installed to Shared drive on Macs, binary version of engine can be access on non-admin accounts, as long as it is installed on admin account first. Go to Users > Shared > UnrealEngine > [EngineVersion] > Binaries > Mac and grab UE4Editor. Make a shortcut in Dock or on Desktop, and non-admins can open editor from there. Any updates to engine need to be made in admin account, and any purchases through marketplace need to be done in admin and then moved or copied to Shared folder. Launcher will not function properly on non-admin accounts currently, but it is being looked into still.