
I got some motivation to work on Portals. I don’t know how far I’ll come, it’s an experiment. I had done this system in another engine years ago (Visually).
In this thread i’ll share my results and progress:

Basic Rendering:

ClippingShader using a Clipplane defined at Portal’s eventhorizon:


Nice! The one I’m working on might not support meshes sticking through - we have a very specific use for it so we just need correct player and projectile teleportation really. I’ll keep out on this thread for you updates ! :slight_smile:

Seems complicated… :smiley:
Can you share more about the shader and other thing?

Later, i might do this.
Theses things i have done so far are quite easy(Rendering). Getting collision right is a completely different story(when you work with Physic-Engines, but it seems PhysX has something that’ll help me!)