Tsso online (skyshield)

Hi, everybody!
My name is Fyodor, I and my team started developing the project “TSSO online” on UT3 for a long time, very much waited for the new version of a cursor and hurrah! UT4 it is live.
Could apply new counters, there are new ideas and opportunities.
Now the project is placed on Indiegogo portal: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/skyshield/x/2937940

Short description: Far the future… After death of a planet the earth, we found the new house, the new worlds opened before us. But having opened a door of times, we started up to us everything that was concealed behind it thousands years. Today - to survive for us, it to rescue our look. We are members of the SKYSHIELD organization, ours a debt - to maintain the peace in the Universe.

Military operations, researches of galaxies, production of resources, trade, piracy, communication, etc.

find us in STEAM (Steam greenlight)


Small part of video of the TSSO project.

Looks very awesome this Trailer if u Need some Let’s Player to show more about this Project you can Contact me here.
Keep up the Work! :slight_smile:

Hello, new video… TheSkyshield Online gameplay

Interesting. Keep it up.

The Sky Shield Online / TSSO - ALPHA

soon video…