Editor does not find VS2013 Installation

Hi guys

When creating a new code project in the Editor, it states that VS is not installed, although it is (I’m using VS2013 Pro). Mind you, my VS is installed in a “non-standard” directory (D: drive instead of C:).

Is there a setting / ini file or something I can tweak to get the Editor to find my VS installation?

A nudge in the right direction is greatly appreciated.


Hey ,

you could try creating a symlink from the default install path to where your installation is. Unreal shouldn’t mind…

Open a command prompt and type the following, of course replacing the paths accordingly:
[FONT=Courier New]mklink /J C:<default install path> D:<your install path>

Hope this helps.

Hi . We locate VS2013 using the environment variable VS120COMNTOOLS. Checking that the environment variable is defined and matches your VS install location should clear things up.

I’ve encountered this issue once myself. In my case it ended up being that I had left a command prompt open while installing Visual Studio. So my cached environment didn’t include the new envvar.

As simple as it sounds have you tried restarting your computer? I did this while having the same issue and restarting it worked.

Hy David

Thanks for the tip, although I dont seem to get it working…Im using:

C:\Users\mbo>mklink /J "c:\Program Files\Visual Studio 12\Common7\Tools" "D:\Program Files\Visual Studio 12\Common7\Tools"

But I get “The system cannot find the path specified.”. (D:… is my current install path)…



The variable should be set correctly, I just checked. It’s set like follows:

VS120COMNTOOLS -> D:\Program Files\Visual Studio 12\Common7\Tools\

Which looks correct…


@ShotgunHR: Yep, thats the first thing I always do on a Windows machine if anything goes wrong :slight_smile:

By the way, the exact error message I get is:

"No compiler was found. In order to use a C++ template, you must first install Visual Studio 2013."

Fixed it…

I was able to fix the issue.

VS messed up the path for the VS120COMNTOOLS environment var.

VS set it to:

D:\Program Files\Visual Studio 12\Common7\Tools\

correct would have been:

D:\Program Files\**Microsoft **Visual Studio 12\Common7\Tools\

No idea why VS set it this way…

Now I don’t get the error anymore when starting a new code-based projec in the editor.


Hi I have the same prblem with win 8.1

my system variable is correct (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools) and I have restar windows.

I have tryed to create the new C++ project in the same directory (C) and in my usal directopry (D)
but I receive always the “No compiler was found error”

Thank you for your help :wink:

I have resolved the problem reinstalling the windows desktop edition.

I have the same problem. VS2013 was installed before UDK 4.10.2. I set the local env. variable as described above (it wasn’t set before) and restarted computer. I checked the path to the VS, it’s correct: *C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools*

Please help
