Destructable Mesh and Physics

Hello everyone this problem have had me scrathing my head for a couple of days.
So if anyone can help me with this i be for ever greatfull.

What am trying to achive is some what the same as you can see in games like “The Forest”, (Tree Choping)

(20 seconds in.)

But if i dont have Hit Generation Events on i cant get the hit / destruction from the Blocking hit from my axe.
And if i Turn Hit Generate Event to true, the tree trunk flyes off as soon as i hit it with the axe or the player runs on it.
Or i actualy just have to slitly touch it and it all gets destroyd.

So how can i make it so my tree dont fly away on a hit from my axe, and stile gets destroyd?

And how do i make it so that the damage / force needed to break the mesh is not just a tiny pinch, or player walking into it?

And is it possible to make it so that the Destructable Mesh will only “register” Hit Events from one spesific class (Derived AActor Class) ?

Thanks for any guidence.

So is there some issue with the farcure tool in UE 4?