Required Google Play fix for 4.17

There is a required fix needed for Google Play in 4.17. This does not require any code changes, just editing a text file. I have the fix in this GitHub commit: This will be in the 4.17.2 hotfix.

You can do this manually to your binary copy by editing the Engine/Config/Android/AndroidEngine.ini file:

  1. Change “DefaultPlatformService=MCP” to “DefaultPlatformService=GooglePlay”
  2. In the “[OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay.Store]” section:
    a. Remove “storev2=true”
    b. Remove “bSupportsInAppPurchasing=true” if you aren’t using In-App purchasing or the will be included in the your AndroidManifest.xml

I see, thanks. Will this fix need to be added again after the 4.17.1 hotfix is installed?

I looks like this did make it in for 4.17.1 hotfix.