Custom Static Mesh problem, texture stretching

I quickly made this wall mesh in blender and I unwrapped the UV with the Smart UV Project, as I don’t know much at all about UV mapping.

The problem is that the material texture is stretching really poorly, and I have no idea how to change the projection planes or how to scale it up or down. I am also not sure if what I’m doing wrong is in UE or in blender!

As you can see, the way the texture is tiling and getting stretched is not ideal, not to mention that is scaled way up, even though the model is currently at its 1:1 scale.

But I also made this rock model and the texture, while not optimal, is at least “ok” on it, that it doesn’t really matter; the rock model was made the same way as the castle wall.

What can I do to fix the problem with the wall?

To fix this you’ll need to adjust and scale your UVs appropriately in your modeling application, in this case Blender.

One good technique to check your UVs and to make sure there is no stretching beforehand (or at least minimal stretching) is to use a UV Mapping Texture like one of these:

You can apply that to the mesh and see what areas of your UV are stretching or need to be adjusted. There are other techniques for different programs, but this is one way to visual check quickly. You can also see how the scales of each face aligns with the adjacent one. So in your example, the front of the wall (which is scaled very large) versus the side that is not. This can also help you to orient the faces so that the brick is running the same direction.

If you search YouTube or Google for “UV Mapping for Games” you’ll find a lot of content. Whether it’s for a different application than you’re using the techniques and concepts should be the same approach.

Thank you, that’s quite helpful.