ue4 Super Buggy. It is completely diregarding my configured gamemode


Have a look at this video:


I’m using 4.16.2 during this.

a) I have set my gamemode to my own class FOTDGameMode. You can see this at 0:11 in the video.
b) I set a breakpoint at 0:40 on the OnPostLogin method inside FOTDGameMode so that it will breakpoint when I locally connect.
c) at 1:06, it is TestCharacter which is the spawned and assigned character, BUT, the FOTDGameMode doesn’t reference this character at all to spawn and possess!
d) at 1:24 I reshow that the default pawn is not TestCharacter, but Player_Character
e) AT 1:32, I start going through the whole level objects to prove that TestCharacter isn’t just on the map with “Auto possess” on.

So tell me, why is TestCharacter still being spawned and possesed?

Are you overriding the level game mode in World Settings? Window -> World Settings.

+1 for jamendxman3

  1. i dont recommend to use breakpoint, they were not working many times for me, instead use print string
  2. I doubt on post login is called when you run your game through editor, check it with printstring

Thanks. Yes I didn’t realise that you can set the gamemode per level in world settings.