Lighting too bright in streamed level

I’m trying to add an underground battle map to my game. As a streaming level, it looks like this:


When I build the lighting as a standalone level, it looks like this:


I’ll add more lights to the cave later, but for right now I want to get the ambient lighting right. And as a streaming level, the cave is just way too bright.

Here’s the info I’m sure you’ll want to know:

  • Every static mesh in the cave is set to one of the custom lighting channels. I’m going to use that lighting channel for all static meshes everywhere that are underground.
  • When I build the lighting in a standalone level, the lighting is correct. I put only one light in the scene and itt’s a skylight with a dim purplish main color and a subtle rimshader-like yellow underlight.
  • When I bring the level in as a streamed level, I remove the level’s light and I make one and only one light set to my custom underground lighting channel, and put it in the persistent level. I want to keep that light in the persistent level so that I can have multiple underground levels that use that same lighting channel and not have the lights do anything weird when I stream levels in and out.
  • If I give each underground level its own skylight, then they end up being way too bright when I put them all into the main level.
  • If I build the lighting separately for each underground level, then delete their skylights and stream them into the persistent level, I can keep the desired lighting, but the game warns me that the lighting needs to be rebuilt. I’m not sure yet if I take a performance hit for the game thinking that everything has to be lit dynamically.

Do any of you know of anything I could check to see why my level is appearing too bright when I make it a streaming level?

OK, found it. At some point I must have set the world properties’ environment intensity to something. Or maybe I had started off with a level template that had it set? Anyway, I set it to 0, and now my levels are actually dark.

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