Unreal Remote for Android

I wanted to start developing for mobile, specifically Android. I know that there is a tool for streaming the editor directly to the phone, which is available for itunes, and I also know that a similar plugin is available on the marketplace for Android.

Isn’t there a FREE alternative for Android? I’m new to this, what a developer has to do in order to quickly launch the game in the phone?

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Hi Beriol,
AFAIK there is nothing in built right now, but there is solutions like this in the marketplace: Mobile Remote Control in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Personally for android I use Visor, which is a chrome app to display your android in your pc, in this way I am always using a real device for debug, even if I have to wait for launch.

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Yeah, I’ve already seen that plugin in the marketplace, but as I mentioned it isn’t free at all… Seems weird to me that there is nothing “official” to help an Android developer!

To make more money you need money. Invest into your development, since there is no official solution on the horizon.

Yeah well, it would be just a hobby for me, I wouldn’t want to actually spend money on it…

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