This weird lightmap issue is stopping us from moving forward with our project. (Pictures included)

Hey Unrealers,

We were doing our game project and we ran into a problem. Lightmap is acting weirdly.
It never acted this way before so we created a new project and made simple modular room in Blender and added the pieces to Unreal Engine 4.
I am using Unreal Engine 4.16. We have read all the lightmap related post on reddit, this forum, WorldOfLevelDesign…etc even YouTube.

The problem: Bleeding shadows, Shadows messed up looking low resolution.
What we have tried: Snap to grid(32x32 and 30x30), changing lightmap settings, changing lightmap resolution to 256
The method I know that can fix: Turning off global illumination.(Sorry, I meant global illumination, not global warming.)

The thing is I never had this problem before with this kind of modular setup and I don’t know how I didn’t… I mean… Look:
She is not having this problem either. How do some people avoid it.

What does my project’s modular model look like?(They are rendered in Blender with Cycles Render and they are just EXAMPLES MODELED BY ME!)

Thank you!

PS: I am so sorry for my bad English. We are based in Hong Kong.

Your static lighting level is at 0.1 which can cause some weird bleeding or splotches… You can try to increase your indirect lighting quality to higher values.
In my opinion a Indirect Lighting quality value of 2 is kinda to low for a static lighting level of 0.1

Take a look at this very nice tutorial… This should help…

@A-J-K I turned my lightmass settings to default this time and this is what I got.

The only solution I have is turning off global illumination or adding light propagation volume but light propagation volume only works for directional light and this is interior so I can’t go for LPV.
This is what turning off global illumination looks like.

But is that the only solution? :frowning:

Thank you for the tutorial link you provided. I will definitely look into it! Thank you!

For that recent issue don’t use multiple objects to create simple things like ceilings and walls, the way the lighting gets rendered each object gets processed individually and you’ll get slight lighting differences between them. Make surfaces like ceiling/wall as complete meshes and it’ll fix lighting issues and improve performance since it reduces draw calls as well.

Did you modify your lightmass.ini? this is a odd issue.

Thank you but we can’t, I’ll explain it in my next reply.
No, we didn’t modify our lightmass.ini.(Is there even such thing as lightmass.ini? I searched the engine folder and I didn’t find lightmass.ini.)

We have three solutions.

Solution #1
As suggested by , merge small pieces into one. Have a big wall instead of 10 small and the end of the big wall should always be 90°, it should NOT be curved or straight.
Cons: Way too many models. At least for our project.

Solution #2
Model everything in the 3D modeling software and export them to the game engine as one.
Cons:LOD issue.

Solution #3
Dynamic Global Illumination.(LPV: Light propagation volume)
Cons: Performance issue.

So… why don’t you pick Solution #1!?
Well… we will have MORE THAN A HUNDRED OF different sized rooms. It is not possible to keep changing the size of the walls in the 3D modeling software. During testing and designing, we change the room size a lot. Think of the game portal.

We are stuck. By the way, why are others not having this problem? I have watched a lot of modular modeling videos on YouTube and none of them are having this issue… but why? I myself never had this problem before. When I got this problem before, all I had to do was change my lightmass settings.


I have watched the video link @A-J-K gave. I watched both 3.1 and 3.2.
The guy is awesome! I learnt so much!

What I did:
Static Lighting Level Scale: 0.1 (Increase to until the lines between the models(walls, ceilings, floor) go away.)
Num Indirect Lighting Bounces: 10
Indirect Lighting Quality: 20 (Increase to until the bad shadow goes away.)
Indirect Lighting Smoothness: 0.6

My lightmass resolution: 256.

If you have any other way to get rid of the seams I had. Please let us know as others who are having the same issue can find it helpful.
Thank you!