Create c++ game plugins (hot reload support)

Hey guys. I made a nice tutorial about how to create a game plugin in unreal engine 4

The nice thing about this tut is that you’ll be able to use the hot reload feature while developing your plugin (using a workaround)

If you like this tutorial, you can support my work giving a chance to my Auto Save and Load System plugin for UE4:

I’ll try that, thanks for sharing :wink: I’m new to plugin creation, and I don’t have a great experience with them when you need to update to a new UE4 version haha.
So maybe just an editor module will be as fine for what I want (it’s just a small tool).

You’re welcome. I’m also developing an editor module but slate is not so friendly, at least for me.

I’m developping one, right now, and the configuration’s step was a little confuse because the UE4 documentation about editor module isn’t updated for now :wink:
And there are no more doc/video about it since the livestream “extending the editor in C++” which dated from 2015.
So if a Unreal Engine staff member see this message, that would be really awesome to have a fresh, new live-stream about it :slight_smile: