Where is the AccessViolation?

Crash error:
Exception was “Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)”

Last two lines of call stack:
UE4Editor_OrtCloud!AOrtCloudAIController::Tick() [f:\documents\unreal projects\ortcloud\source\ortcloud\ortcloudaicontroller.cpp:88]
UE4Editor_Engine!FActorTickFunction::ExecuteTick() [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.9\engine\source\runtime\engine\private\actor.cpp:107]

Code Line in question:

86 .	if ( GetOrtPawn()->CoreSection && 
87 .	(GetOrtPawn()->OrderedTarget == NULL && GetOrtPawn()->OrderedDestination == GetOrtPawn()->CoreSection->GetActorLocation()) ||
88 .	((GetOrtPawn()->OrderedTarget && ODistance > 8500.0F) || GetOrtPawn()->OrderedDestination == GetOrtPawn()->CoreSection->GetActorLocation()) )

Call stack says its line 88.
GetOrtPawn() is a function that either returns an OrtPawn or NULL.
This entire block of code is wrapped in an if/then that checks if OrtPawn exists.
It seems to me, the only possible option on line 88 is GetOrtPawn()->CoreSection, which has been checked on line 86 and has to have PASSED in order to even get to line 88.

Uninitialized pointers will pass a null / nullptr condition. Have you initialized them as null or nullptr?

When you say “Uninitialized pointers will pass a null / nullptr condition” do you mean:

  1. Uninitialized pointers will be considered null/nullptr by the if check?
  2. Uninitialized pointers will be considered passed(return true) by the if check?

CoreSection can indeed be uninitialized when the code runs this block.
So if you mean 2 that would explain why it is passing line 86 and crashing at subsequent parts of the if check.

Access violations are often caused by dereferencing corrupt pointers.

Corrupt pointers can be caused by invalid memory access

If you have a valid reference to a class which has a uninitialized pointer in it and you try to access it, it will give you an access validation. If you have a valid reference to a class and you have a condition for the uninitialized pointer in that class, it will evaluate as true, if it is follows:

    // CoreSection can be uninitialized and still pass this condition.

You can solve this by setting CoreSection to NULL or nullptr in the constructor of your OrtPawn class.

**A broader example: **

class MyTestClass
    MyTestClass() {}
    int ID;

class MyOtherTestClass

    MyTestClass *ChildClass;
    float Area;

void TestingFunction()
    MyOtherTestClass *Testing = new MyOtherTestClass( );
            // Passes condition even though "TestingClass" is unitialized  
            printf("passes condition 
            // Crashes
            printf("%d", Testing->ChildClass->ID);
    delete Testing;