Development Fun Game - FacebookArena

Main idea:
Login with your Facebook account, choose your opponent and let your and his friends make mega-battle

Here is first video:
Dynamic texture material loading

Dynamic texture code UE4_FacebookArena/AvatarPaperSpriteActor.cpp at b28d98f75206d5e14f5df1d33ce633789cf0e985 · Batname/UE4_FacebookArena · GitHub

GitHub repo GitHub - Batname/UE4_FacebookArena

Next video:
Spawning Facebook friends to Map

GitHub code UE4_FacebookArena/Source/FacebookArena at 678469b2ca4fe1f1f38574b2c77052ac984bb559 · Batname/UE4_FacebookArena · GitHub

GitHub repo GitHub - Batname/UE4_FacebookArena

Next video:
Single player game, Select enemy and spawn enemies Cards

GitHub code UE4_FacebookArena/Source at dffcda39fa80888c47870abbaad8d158f0e2d8c5 · Batname/UE4_FacebookArena · GitHub

GitHub repo GitHub - Batname/UE4_FacebookArena