Forum category for Artificial Intelligence

Can we get a distinct forum category for artificial intelligence? I think it’s a broad enough topic to warrant its own category.


I’d like to see that too. It’s not specific to C++ or Blueprint, deserves its own category alongside Rendering, Animation, VR, etc.

Yes, that would be handy

I’d like this too. The fact that AI can be done in both blueprint (behavior trees) and code (behavior tree extensions or state machines), plus the many issues one can encounter while learning UE’s navigation system and the many ways in which you can program path following code all warrant a dedicated forum. At least, I think it would be a very useful environment.

I am involved with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning development with, I would like to talk about this and I think there can be plenty of implementations with Unreal Engine. Please, create a distinct forum category for AI! I already have some use cases that will be interesting to discuss with the community.

Can we get a distinct forum category for artificial intelligence? I think it’s a broad enough topic to warrant its own category.

+1! I was crazy with AR/VR technologies few years ago, but now I think AI can benefit any AR VR use. And it’s true in the opposite way as well. I believe every company which engaged in AI creation should start incorporating augmented and virtual reality technologies for their AI projects to make them more convenient. So I would also be happy to see a separate category for AI.

This a bearded thread, but yes please! Add AI section to the forums!