Teleport will only work below a certain height? (Gif attached)

So I’ve turned off ALL objects from “can ever effect Navmesh”

I just have one cube under my work which is creating the mesh over all objects.

But for some reason, there is something stopping my teleport from working unless i go really low to the ground??

The navmesh itself reaches the ceiling (or further) and nothing else is that high which effects the Navmesh??

What could possibly causing this?

Thanks in advance

My first guess would be that you have a random collision object that is blocking your teleport. I had this happen when I imported two pieces of glass on either side of a stair, that I had attached together as one object, before I exported from my modeling program. Unreal enclosed them in one box, and it made it impossible to move between them. I simply removed the collision object and created two new ones.
If you used “auto generate collision”, it is likely that it enclosed your static mesh, that may be made up of multiple pieces, with one single collision. Unchecking “Can ever affect navigation” will not override this. Did you check your collision objects?

You were correct although it was a weird error.

I had a few very small meshes which, when i turned “view collisions” had some very thin collision edges pointing out in all directions accross my map. It was very strange and i almost missed it!

But yeah, viewing collisions in the viewport helped!
