Move Game Window


I’m trying to do a local multiplayer game that will run on my computer with 2 monitors. I created a dedicated server and now I connect two clients to my server but both clients are displayed on the same screen.
What I’m trying to do is to move one client to the other monitor. I found that I can use the GEngine->GameViewport but my game crashes when i launch it because it doesn’t find the GameViewport.
I included “Engine.h” and it’s still not working.


Any help would be great! Thanks

You can tell the Editor to create two separate instances which are windowed and can be dragged:

No code changes needed.

Thanks for the hint but my game is running as a standalone game and clients can be created from the first client (doing it in C++ ) so I have to move these clients windows in C++

If you need just to launch both clients via *.exe files you can pass some arguments (here is simple run.bat):

@echo off
start Game.exe WinX=40 WinY=40 ResX=800 ResY=600
timeout 1 rem Need to wait some if you're using SteamAPI
start Game.exe WinX=2570 WinY=40 ResX=800 ResY=600

UE CommandLine basics