Rewriting UE4 official blueprint tutorial to c++ code

Hello, as C++ developer I realized there is not a lot official UE4 official C++ tutorials.
And I decided rewrite UE4 blueprints tutorials into c++ code.

So here is my first work. It is still in progress.

Series: Blueprint Twin Stick Shooter

Here is C++ copy from 1 up to 10 tutorial
GitHub link

Here is video result you-tube playlist

Thanks a lot! There is never enough c++ tutorials.

  1. Damaging the Enemy

Official tutorial
My CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at ea45a33866217e32782389de04c05004dde2fb8d · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

  1. Damaging the Hero

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at 62b0533a3dd769d51256fa3ab98b66a2ab8d2232 · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

  1. Respawning the Hero

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at e363d47a0ec8920e721f8b5e99cd74e7452d8a6d · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

14 - Spawning Enemies

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at 39b02542eb53c2f407b117753beed5edd1d58b06 · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

15 - 18 - Character Animations

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at 1f925a783753b2ddffbefcc0a8eb584f985104bc · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

19-20 - Animating Enemy and Hero Gun

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at dc645c7c2757e01c6f12db9e0b0f7ce174d446b5 · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

21-22 - UMG and finish the game

Official tutorial
CPP implementation TwinStickShooter_CPP/Source/TwinStickShooter_CPP at cd5eff48803f64f307991d534a3f8095bd14ca63 · Batname/TwinStickShooter_CPP · GitHub

Thanks a lot for your work! :slight_smile: I often find myself looking for C++ versions of blueprint tutorials, as well.

You could have separated each tutorial lesson into one or more commits, and use tags and deep links to these commits for easier explanation - but strictly speaking, that’s not necessary of course :slight_smile:

You could also add a few general words and advice on how you did that (I recall myself using UGameplayStatics a few times for doing so).

Hello, thanks for your response. I’ll do it in my next videos.