Looking for a way to automatically spawn structures (without direct player involvement)

Yes, I’m aware of reasons this shouldn’t work due to issues like terrain, but the map I have in mind would be built to accommodate it.

I have two ideas about how this could be done, but I don’t know if either is feasible.

#1 is to spawn structures via the level blueprint. The problem with this is that while I presume the actors could be spawned, each structure piece would be alone, unconnected to the others and might disintegrate immediately upon spawning if it wasn’t ‘connected’ to the ground. The big hurdle is getting the structure pieces to attach to each other. Are there any blueprint functions that are capable of doing this?

#2 It doesn’t truly need to be dynamic. The server could rollback to a previous savestate that contains the structures I want, but unless there’s something hidden, rollbacks aren’t possible without booting all of the players and restarting it. Regardless, I’ve found nothing about using blueprints to make the server do anything administrative. This isn’t my preferred solution, and feels inefficient and unnecessary, since literally EVERY other thing I need the game to do, I can do via the blueprints.

the only thing i can think of is and spawning each structure that way. in order to get the ground you can run a trace down, or spawn a in the air, check if its momentum is 0 and get its location. then destroy it and then build ur structures.

I messed with this a little bit when I first picked up the devkit. You can spawn the structure pieces in but it’s an absolutely pain in the a$$. From what I remember you have to link the structure pieces together via the “linked structures” array and the “placed on top of” array (names may be slightly off). This allows basic physics to function when pieces get destroyed … Also there’s something special about pillars as you can auto spawn a base in, destroy all the pillars holding it up and it wouldn’t crumble (used to be an old bug in ark used to create “floating bases”). It’s very possible that the code has changed since I last messed with it as well.

I believe Swords has auto base spawning functionality in his bush peoples mod. If so then he would be the right person to talk to. Just be mindful that doing this is very, very blueprint graph heavy and if you don’t have prior coding experience then it will an extremely unpleasant experience.