Staff member has given false info?

So, I was having issues packaging my project, then I saw a person who had the same error on the forums.
A staff member gave this tip:

It deleted all of my world.

I’ve recovered most of it from a backup I made a couple hours ago, but I am still missing some stuff.
Any way I can get it all back?

You deleted the wrong things then. Saved, Intermediate, and Config folders don’t contain any assets that are used when you play, such as maps. Config folder contains some project settings, but that’s about it. Check if you just need to set some things back to how they were in project settings maybe? Did you clear your recycling bin?

As the previous poster pointed out, you deleted the wrong folders. I very often remove these folders (Saved, Intermediate, and Config) when I want to do a clean build or test something. These folders are actually not even included in my repository … except for config which I do include … but I have never lost anything by doing this.