Which TPS Kit should I buy for a multiplayer shooter game?

I can’t decide what I should buy from the Marketplace.

Generic Shooter
Weapon Component
Advanced Locomotion System V2
Third Person Shooter Kit
Character Interaction

Price doesn’t matter.

What it needs:
-Multiplayer support
-Customizing it so it doesn’t feel like a game which also uses that Kit

I know that the Advanced Locomotion System V2 Kit doesn’t have weapon shooting mechanics. And that the Weapon Component Kit uses the standard Third Person Template (question: could I combine both?).
Generic Shooter, Third Person Shooter Kit and Character Interaction are more “complete” Kits.

Which is the best, what are the advantages or disadvantages?

Well since you need it to support multiplayer, you can eliminate some of those as if they do not specifically say multiplayer support, your likely not going to be able to go in the after the fact and make them replicate.

Also you forgot the one I built…
MCO Multiplayer TPS Blueprints - *NEW* - Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums* which does work for multiplayer BTW.

I havent tried generic shooter so i cant comment on that. Out of the other ones I really like Character Interaction, however it doesnt support multiplayer. I am trying to implement multiplayer atm coincidentally and its alot of work:/ So if ur not too familiar when multiplayer or blueprints I would go with Generic Shooter. Seems like it has mostly what ur looking for.

Buy all of the above, and get it over with.