Translucency and Post Processing issues

Hi Guys,

I’m currently working on a concept where I want to hide a mesh behind a window. So the idea basically is: the player looks through a window, and sees nothing, and when he looks around the corner, he can see the same object. And yes: the goal is to get this to work partially. I’m trying to use a CustomStencil, and while this works on (regular) opaque materials, it doesn’t work when looking through the window.

Below you’ll find some screenshots, as well as my material for the pillar and window.

01: The situation described

02: The material for the pillar

03: The material for the window

Thanks in advance!

For the window material there is an option that allows transparent materials to write in custom depth. Without it, translucency does not allow to write to custom stencil. But actually, last time I tried this feature it was bugged and caused flickering.

Thanks for the tip. I’ll try this in the coming weeks. Perhaps the updated engine will resolve some flickering. Who knows! :slight_smile: