UE4-Blueprint-iOS-APP-Package Size So huge?

I did follow the documentation <Reducing Packaged Game Size>https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/Performance/ReducingPackageSize/index.html

The result is a Blank Blueprint project Packaged by development mode is:342.1 MB

by ship mode is still 158.1 MB

Is this normal? So the app size is at least 158MB ? It’s so huge to be a iOS App/Game? What I could accept most is 60-100MB. Could it be ?

MacOS 10.12.5
Mac UE4.16

for more detail:in the 158.1 blank ipa flles, there are 2 big files in there.


This is a blank project and how to reduce this 2 big file’s size?

How could this Tappy Chicken example so small? I just package a blank project it is 158.1MB !!!

Example numbers from Tappy Chicken
Here are some example numbers from cooking and packaging TappyChicken for iOS in the 4.0.1 branch (Note #1).
The overall Shipping IPA is 43.8 MB uncompressed (34.8 MB compressed), which breaks down into:
3.9 MB - Loading screens and icons (about the same compressed)
25.5 MB - Executable (never compressed; Note #2)
10.6 MB - Engine content (4.8 MB compressed)
3.7 MB - Game content (0.7 MB compressed)
The executable is never compressed and the icons/screens are already compressed, but the game and engine content compresses quite well. (Note #3)
We will continue to work on reducing the amount and size of required engine content over time, as well as look at optimizing the executable size.
The Loading Screens and Icons are .png files that you create; you can provide fewer variations (Tappy Chicken has one for all the devices) or use more solid fills/etc… to reduce their size further.