New to Blueprints, Keyboard Input Won't Work


I am just starting to learn Blueprints, and am trying to make a basic blueprint (Supposed to be named SpeakNumbers but I typed it wrong.) which constantly outputs a float, and the float’s value increases when a keyboard button is pressed.

This is what I have so far but when I test it, it will not take my input. What am I doing wrong?


Hook up a Get Player Controller to the Player Controller input of the Enable Input node.

I tried that but the input still won’t work.

If you are giving Enable Input the correct Player Controller reference, then the only other problem could be another BP is consuming the input of the Any Key event.

I couldn’t find any other blue print using the input (I switched it out to check if 1 is pressed)

Okay I’ll try that

I tried in a dedicated PlayerController class and in other ones and it still doesn’t work. I might have gotten input to work playing around a while back so I might have to find that and see what I did differently.

I tried that and it still didn’t work. I also tried doing the same events in other blueprints and I can not get it to work.

None of the keyboard input events work, I don’t think I have any Launcher Learner Samples installed, and I can tried making the blueprint in a project where I did get input to work.

I loaded a previous project which did have functional input but it now doesn’t work. I have no idea what is wrong with it. I am going to try to update in the case that it is a glitch.

It still doesn’t work after the update.

You can’t print a value from another function.

You’re basically saying:

Function 1 - Calculate “Something”
Function 2 - Show “Something”

But “Something” is only contained in Function 1 and therefore Function 2 can’t show it.

I suspect your Print to be working but displaying an empty string.

You’re currently saving “Outflout” as a float variable. Instead of plugging the result of your “Set” node in the String, plug the variable into it.

Try again.

Its outputting correctly, when I run the program it outputs 0.0s, but when I try to input, it doesn’t add 1.0 as it is supposed to.

I’ll try doing that.

I’ll try that. I did set the input to fire every tick instead of when I hit the keyboard and it was adding properly but I can do that as well once Unreal finishes installing.

It is still not activating when I press left shift (or any other keyboard event). Again I might be confused on how to use some stuff since I have barely used blueprints.

“You’re currently saving “Outflout” as a float variable. Instead of plugging the result of your “Set” node in the String, plug the variable into it.”

I fixed it.

I was putting enable input since that’s what I saw on the tutorial. SpeakNumbers is a normal blueprint, in the input panel there is Block Input which I don’t have selected, Auto Receive Input which is set to Player 0, and Input Priority which is set to 0. I tried creating a Player Controller Class earlier and it didn’t take input but I can try again.

  1. This is a Lenovo Y-500 PC (laptop).
  2. I downloaded a free sample project and the input worked fine.
  3. No other blueprints Disable Input.
  4. I can’t see a Player-0 in the World Outliner or any blueprints which create one. Is it pre-created or do I have to make it myself, I looked online but I couldn’t find any information.

I couldn’t attach Get-Player-Controller 0 or 1 to Print String. I tried attaching both to enable input but that did nothing. I tried attaching Get Player Controller ID to print but it was printing -1, making me think there is no player controller. The append node did nothing. I am pretty sure that the problem is that I do not have a player controller created but I am not quite sure how to make one myself or if I even need to make one.

Okay I can try those thanks.