Where to show off your game?

Where can I show my game to people? Any other places where people can share their projects than this forum?

If it’s not finished, the work in progress part of the forum.

If it is finished… The released projects part of the forum.

“Other than this forum”

Or for AAA:

Is it also for WIP games?

Yes, yes it is.

I really hate tiny cell phone screens now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the stupid answer @EtherealRiven ! :o

haha i was just giving you a hard time … a little razz if you will

Hahaha, the phone screens are not meant to browse forums without an app… I guess this doesn’t have an app though…

Is all cool. :cool:

Even worse I was borrowing the phone for a minute to check…

Back to my nice monitor! :smiley:

Maybe there will be an app one day?

You can show them off on your own website too if you have one already setup.

Hopefully… I’d really like that. Not just me, the whole community would.

That sounds good.