How to make a real bullet hole?

I want to make a real bullet hole in wall,like rainbow six,not decal.
But I can’t make it by destruction tool.
Anyone have idea?

I dont think there is a way to do it with the stock UE4 engine. Basically what you would need to do is fracture the mesh at runtime and then remove the hole where the bullet hit.

You would need to create your own fracture algorithm in C++ and use it on the mesh AFAIK.

Check out Apex Destruction from Nvidia and see if they offer something like this.

There are ways you could potentially do it with the “draw to render target” feature and an opacity mask, and maybe spawning a damage mesh where the hole is.

Yeah,today I found some info of “draw to render target”,in this video:UE4 - Bullet Holes - YouTube. Whoop made a perfect work.But I don’t know how to create it…

Yeah,today I found some info of “draw to render target”,in this video:,Dr. Whoop made a perfect work.But I don’t know how to create it…