How was it to start a server UDK In console commands

So that’'s the question how was it to start a server with a console command i know it’s open and somethign more but dont remember what exacly.

To host, just add the following params to a shortcut target:

..\Binaries\Win32\UDK.exe server mymap.udk

Then clients join with:

open <server_ip>

Thaqnks cold scooter but what about a listen one = ?

Is there a way to launch a listen server while already in the game (like in the in-game option menu)? IE, from a console command…?

I couldn’t find a way. some time ago I tried it and all my efforts failed unless I launched the game with ?listen
curious if someone finds a way

sad, im sure there’s a way.

open “mapname” Listen?

wasnt it? or something like that

I got it! it was pretty easy i used something like ConsoleCommand(“Open VillageArena?Listen”);
it’s the same as unreal engine 4.