Open SubDiv


Back at GDC, Epic announced that open subdiv was now supported in UE4, but I can’t seem to find anything about it. There is no documentation, and if it does exist, is it functional with the ability to apply it to imported meshes? I can pass assets back and forth between multiple 3rd party applications like, 3DS Max and Maya, using FBX, and the open SubDiv settings are still intact and can be modified.

Any info on this is appreciated.


It doesn’t look like it’s been added yet

It’s in the dev-geometry branch on github. I’ve seen it working with the mesh editing tools of that branch but I dont know much about it beyond what was shown in the demo.

edit - here are the preview docs for those features.

I also looking for it. I have simple not subdivided car model, I want to subdiv it inside UE, currently, I have to subdiv it inside other programs and double / triple number of polygons.

Subdividing the mesh inside unreal engine will also increase the number of polygons …?

it will, but doing it inside UE4 I thought would be much more native for UE. Otherwise, what is the point to use OpenSubdiv? Only for simple meshes, hmm doesn’t make much sense to me.

Subdividing in UE4 will have better performance, DirectX has a real-time optimization for that. Plus, you can have it dynamically change the subdivision level based on how close you are to the mesh so that you can always have a smooth shape with a reasonable amount of polygons. The important thing about OpenSubdiv is that it does it in a predictable way as how it would appear in your 3D app.

I cannot access the dev-geometry branch of UE4 on github. link does not work. Has it been moved or added to some other branch?

No. You need to be logged in and a member of the UE4 github thing.

It should beable to Subdivide and also un-subdivide

UNDER MODES under BASIC I want to see a option that allows you to select a basic shape and click ÁDD NUMBER OF SPLITS.
so you can split the white mesh up into segments so if you stretch out a static white mesh pipe 300 by 20 high, you can add
a number of splits to it to bend the mesh And then add BEND, and the number of degrees to bend it by and the mesh
will bend in the editor. but only the BSP’s have the Boolean Cookie Cutter, but the White Basic Meshes do not, why is that?

You should NOT have to go into the Material editor just to build all the nodes to tell the editor how many Verticle and Horizontial
to wrap the material on the mesh. There should be a drop box menu option so you can choose from within the engine to adjust
those kind of settings… it should be accessible when you click on the Mesh object itself in the level, not have to go
through the material editor just to get to those settings.

Any word if this is going to be part of the main build anytime soon?

That has nothing to do with tesselation and OpenSubDiv

I think I noticed the dev-geometry branch being merged into the master branch on github a few days ago.

So does that means it is coming in 4.20!!! :smiley:

I think you saw them merge the main dev branch changes into dev-geometry, not the other way around. They’re keeping dev-geometry branch up to date while they work on it.

No, check the commits for the Master and Promoted branches from April 24th. It says “Copying //UE4/Dev-Geometry to //UE4/Dev-Main”

I’ve actually compiled a version of the promoted branch a few days ago and the geometry stuff is there.

Does this mean it is coming in 4.20 or what?

is this on geomerty made in unreal, with opensubdiv
or imported geometry opensubdiv?

I would also like to know if this is coming in 4.20 or not?

Can anyone share some more news on this? Is it supported in 4.20 and if so…where to find more info?