PDF Generation / Third Party C++ Library

Hallo everybody,

do you know a way who to generate/edit PDF files?
Do I have to use third party libraries? If yes, how can I include them into the engine?


I don’t know of any libraries that allow for programmatic generation of PDFs. You could launch a task that spawns an Acrobat process or some such and have it convert a file that already exists - but I’m not sure about generating one.

What are you trying to do?

I am trying to print some information and screenshots to a pdf document during runtime.
I know, that it is possible to generate PDFs with PHP and thought, that it is possible in C++ as well.

Hi, maybe it is too late, but here is solution:

What do you want to do? I’m curious about it.

Well, I guess libharu is what you are looking for. I first came across it through Wt Web Toolkit’s WPdfImage class. Here is the documentation.

OPS! I’ve noticed this thread is almost 3 years old. Why would you bring on such a thread?