How to create a classic Menu in c++ ?

Hello guys , i am currently following the batterycollector tutorial series on youtube . I want to create a menu system : a simple menu system with play , pause , exit and restart .

I don’t know where to look ? Can someone provide some links or any information on how to make it ?

Can i also make menu with blueprints in this case ? ( by this case i meant the battery collector series )

Thank you !!

I haven’t used it, but if you look in the source there is a GameMenuBuilder module for simple game menus. Engine/Source/Runtime/GameMenuBuilder

That was added back in 4.4; you may be much better off just following a UMG tutorial on Youtube now.

Strategy game sample project makes a simple game menu using Slate widgets entirely by C++ code.

hey , i was able to create a simple menu by following this videp :

now i have 2 questions ?

  1. how to bring up menu by pressing esc key or any other key
  2. how to pause and restart game

You have to bind key events to your player controller class.
Those events that you declare in the Input section of project settings.