Exec Pins on Top and Bottom of Blueprint Nodes For Additional Downward Organization

First off I’d like to introduce myself.

My name is Pat.

I’ve been working with a blueprint project for a while creating a large random loot generating system kind of like Path of Exile. Recently it just occurred to me that I would love it if the blueprint nodes had an extra EXEC INPUT on the top above the name of the node and an EXEC OUTPUT at the bottom of the node. This would allow easy blueprint organization in not just the current left to right manner. There has been many times when I wish I could just work in a downward fashion without having to loop BP wires backwards through themselves to get to the node below them.

So in the effort of making things easy to understand I went ahead and took the liberty of fabricating a photoshop version of what I mean.

With my suggested feature we could have this…

As opposed to this…

Anyway, just a thought.

But the Graph is intended to be from left-to-right. Why do you place the nodes under each other instead of next to each other?

Maybe he wants the nodes to fit into a single screen, instead of requiring scrolling to see everything at once. Depending on how your layout branches, you can waste a lot of vertical space when you make everything strictly a horizontal thread of nodes.

Adding additional exec nodes is probably a bad idea, but it would be convenient if nodes with exec-wire-connections that are aligned vertically experience a visual change to make their connection neater.
It’s mostly a nice to have feature, though, as the current way isn’t a complete mess.

There’s no way to place an output pin like that.
Blueprint graphs are “compiled” like your game code, and the compiler organize these pins automatically; they would have to refactor a lot of things just to be able to to place a “Then” exec pin like that image…