What About Online Databases?

Greetings you most wonderful Unreal community!

What is a good and viable method to host a player’s data online and be able to sync it across devices?
We’re working on a mobile game that has multiple types of minerals and currencies, one of which is paid, and we would like to back it up.

Plus: Is there a relatively simple (or anything that doesn’t take a few decades to learn and implement) to have that data accessible from the server-side? We want to allow for “mineral inflation” based on real-world data, meaning if players are selling a lot of a certain mineral for example, it’s gonna become cheaper on the fly! Any thoughts you can point us at?

This is our first project in Unreal as a young and aspiring startup. Said sarcastically!

All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :slight_smile:

I am currently using Azure Functions to do some very simple cloud storage, and LE http Request from the marketplace to acess it with blueprints. I had never done a web backend before but had my first function running in less than a day.

Amazon got a similar service called Lambda.

I’m currently developing Realtime Database plugin and it covers functionality what you need: Realtime Database for all platforms - Firebase - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums

My approach uses the VaREST Plugin (free) to issue HTTP POST (JSON-RPC) & GET Request to my WebServer. Server-side PHP Handlers process the Request which may contain MySql Queries. If you want to reduce the steps involved, perhaps the MySQL Plugin can work for you. Good Luck

I use a Java (Spring Boot) web-service and encrypted calls from the game … you can read more about it here: Gobbo Games — Riders of Asgard - Back-end

The is a reason for choosing this design, it is highly scalable and merely requires me enabling more services behind the HAProxy load balancer in order to support more transactions per second. This is also an enterprise ready design and because I am using Docker, I can immediately spawn up new instances if the load increases or move everything to Azure or AWS if need be.

I write these types of systems for a living and some of my systems are handling 2000 transactions per minute … I use an entity framework to make the marshalling and un-marshalling from Java POJOs to JSON and back again extremely easy.