The UE4 Docs for C++ are no help without Examples!! Trap Is Real

As Im new to UE4 programming the docs can be really daunting and sometimes what you want help with is not answered on the forums , I wanted to create a LevelSequencePlayer , so first I created a LevelSequence variable that I can Pass it to just like in BluePrints.
But turns out it took me 4 hours to find that for a LevelSequencer Variable to work I need to add 1 header file: #include “Runtime/LevelSequence/Public/LevelSequence.h” and and one module in build.cs , out of which I dont know which worked . And then following this link :ULevelSequencePlayer::CreateLevelSequencePlayer | Unreal Engine Documentation and getting all my code to compile I get this error :

CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error MyPlayerController.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol “public: static class ULevelSequencePlayer * __cdecl AMyPlayerController::CreateLevelSequencePlayer(class UObject *,class ULevelSequence *,struct FMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings)” (?CreateLevelSequencePlayer@AMyPlayerController@@SAPEAVULevelSequencePlay
er@@PEAVUObject@@PEAVULevelSequence@@UFMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettings@@@Z) referenced in function “public: void __cdecl AMyPlayerController::CallTimer(void)” (?CallTimer@AMyPlayerController@@QEAAXXZ)
CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error E:\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-MyProject2-5738.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

And yeah before I forget the parameter in the above link namely " FLevelSequencePlaybackSettings" is deprecated which Visual Studio told me otherwise there were more errors .

I know I am the only one to blame here since I cannot understand what is wrong but coming from unity, UE4 comer needs a clear cut understanding of c++ and pointers , I created this post so others dont fall into the trap of “come unity is easy , oh cool now ill try Unreal” NOPE UE4 is no joke when it comes to c++ .

Well, that’s right; Docs are lacking of examples or proper documentation here and there. On the other hands think about every API available it would be impossible to make example of everything especially because many API are context related and usually have more than one application.
Anyway including headers and modules is somewhat basic; things that you should normally learn when getting into UE4; Headers are being part of the C++ syntax, perhaps you should expect that something is not included if the compiler cannot find it, and modules are part of the UE4 building tool, which, like any other build tool cannot automagically find everything for you, perhaps you may want to specify those optional modules you want in your project; Guess you can find about the build tool in many tutorials to get started with UE4 programming :slight_smile:
Long story short: You cannot pretend to know how a such big system like UE4 works, of course, but that doesn’t mean that you can use it without reading guides and stuff and blame it on the lack of documentation :slight_smile:

Moved the thread from C++ Gameplay Programming to Off Topic.
The other option was Feedback, you don’t seem to be addressing Epic in particular.
If you feel this was in error, let me know :slight_smile:

Otherwise, some on topic text now :slight_smile:

There will never be enough documentation :frowning:

Learning C++ - let alone UE4’s implementation of C++ - will take some time :expressionless:

Well the last sentence does say that I blame myself actually

kris so where can I find the answer to my problem , I added all modules with sequence written on it , still I cannot just type seq->Play()

Could you provide the C++ you used please?

Be sure to wrap it with the

tags if you do.