How was the robo recall trailer recorded?

It seems to be recorded at 1920x1080 without any stretching. Has epic explained how to record trailers that combine both eyes, or renders one at a full resolution?

Recording nice VR trailers is also a mystery for me. Huge Bump!

My guess is recorded with Sequencer and then rerendered with a smoothed camera. There are a couple answerhub posts going over how to record VR with sequencer.

So they are using a separate camera, rendering at full resolution, that is attached to the player camera and recording from that?

I am curious about other people’s workflows as well.

We tried recording with sequencer but it can be very CPU intensive and leave on with huge files. I would prefer capturing onto another machine in real time with a capture care in many cases, but it is hard to get some good footage unless we add a third camera perhaps with proper aspect ratio and center between both eyes. Will experiment more soon.

For my game, i made a custom SteamVRRender.cpp with differnt settings for the windowed mode so that i can get a 1920x1080 mirror window.
You miss out on some of the frame though.

I think, Epic probably just used sequencer for their trailers.

I think the options are:
Edit SteamVRRender.cpp
Use sequencer
Use DemoNetDriver, record, then import into sequencer…