Holographic projector effect

I would appreciate a few suggestions on how to achieve the following effect.

I have a first-person character on the bridge of a spaceship. It is a smallish room. In the center I want to have a holographic projector (for the map). when activated, I want the room itself to become very dark (but not invisible), possibly semitransparent, and have a map of solar system displayed (mostly curves, ellipises, and some icons). I would like the map to be bigger than the room, ie, not occluded. In fact, if I could just tint the existing scene very dark, and then have a new rendering blended over it, that’d probably get the effect I want. Any suggestions how I would go about this, or something similar? it needs to work in vr too.

  1. Render holographic data to cubemap. Map cubemap to some transparent material. Place 3d sphere/cube mesh around player camera with that material.
  2. Render holographic data to texture2d and use it in some post process material. Here you may need that scene capture actor should repeat player camera movement/rotaion. If it necessary.

sorry, I thought I’d mentioned it, I am doing this in VR

oh, sorry…
i’m not familiar with VR specific things.