[Free] Asian Girl Character for UE4 Version 4.15

Well this is the first character i made, so not such a great one… I wanted to look a bit into animations, retargeting and so on. I retargeted Mixamo Zoe walk animation to my character, but it looks like she is walking like a body builder, so being kinda botched experiment i decided i would release the character for free, maybe someone can use it for something useful or just playing around a bit.


Includes uasset and full FBX model along with all textures.

Around 70MB


Not bad to use as fps horror character as it give you better reflection in mirrors than the robot :slight_smile:

I should re-do this character, looking at it afterwards it looks pretty terrible… XD

Isn’t this a MakeHuman character + clothing?
It still takes quite some time to tweak and work with that system to get something decent out of it! So that’s neat & all! Hope you revisit it to improve your skills =)

Yeah made in Makehuman. Over the past weeks i learned a lot more so my current characters look much better. Especially the materials need some tweaking, i now use a bit of transparency on the hair, eyebrows and eye lashes. This was my first character, so it sure looks terrible. XD I really wanna release a pack of free characters soon, i always thought it’s a shame that there’s nearly no free characters for grabbing here, so i wanna fill that hole soon. :slight_smile:

Please do tell me if you find settings for the retarget to get the shoulders in the base animations to look good!

I will experiment a bit more this week. My goal is to make a pack of halfway realistic human characters with at least some useful basic animations that DO look good (not like this character) and release them for free. I gotta pay back to the community for being always helpful to me. I learned a lot here. Someone once said “If you love something then set it free”, so in this sense - more to come from me. Just give me some time to improve my skills. :slight_smile: