Best solution for many flying AI pathfinding

I’ve tried several different solutions so far and I’m wondering if anyone knows what solution is the best for implementing many flying AI capable of collision avoidance. My game has roughly 120 ships but the path-finding solution I’m using is a little too cumbersome. All I really need them to do is fly in open space and move if they bump into another ship going the other way.

this game is a lot more efficient with its pathfinding with little to no slowdown on the cpu. My game is not gpu bound whatsoever and the biggest issue is the pathfinding solution I have bottlenecks things because it’s too complex.

don’t had a chance to test yet

Yeah I tried that one. Only issue is that there is quite a bit of slowdown when the AI has to recalculate paths due to another actor blocking its path. Works great for small areas with few AI but my game is ~50km long with hundreds of actors.

Think whiskers and roombas :smiley:
Maybe simple raycast and/or position predicting with simple tract to steering would be faster?

Pathfinding and collision avoidance aren’t the same thing imo.
You have an open space which indicates that you could make it a greedy algorithm anyway.

You could use the standard A* pathfinding algorithm.

That’s kind of how I have it setup using Dons AI plugin, issue is the corridors have ships going back the other way and depending on which ones get destroyed they willl bump into each other. It’s a giant battle where ships fly at each other from 2 sides.