A question about networking in Unreal Engine

Hello. I’m considering starting a multiplayer game project using Unreal Engine and I was wondering how easy/straightforward it is to add custom packets and changing the network code. I’ve used Raknet quite a bit but UE is a huge project and I’ve been looking at the source but can’t find the relevant code for mid level network things such as packets, packet data or the network execution/network loop. I’m sorry for asking a whole bunch of questions but I’m trying to determine what game engine would be best for me to use. Also, is the network code threaded or executed in the render thread? I assume the former but you never know. If someone could point me to the actual code that is relevant I can take a look at it too :slight_smile:

Hope someone can answer these questions as I like the fact that UE seems to take care of most network and network sync things, but I still want to modify it a bit for additions and possibly custom changes. Thank you.

Networking is quite easy in ue4. Once you manage to get the game instances to connect (the toughest but really, especially with all the checking and stuff), you can just choose which actors/objects/variables and even events are replicated.

Ue4 own network system is really powerful. Networking and Multiplayer | Unreal Engine Documentation

I would really recommend checkout out this document. Good way of summing up the high level concept of it. http://cedric.bnslv.de/Downloads/UE4_Network_Compendium_by_Cedric_eXi_Neukirchen.pdf

Thank you! I’ve taken a look at the code and I really like the replication features but I think I want to use RakNet instead of the UE Socket system. I’ll try to replace all the network functions with RakNet and leave all the replication features and similar things as is so I can get the full power of RakNet and UE at the same time :slight_smile:

I agree that the Unreal Network system is powerful, although not really suited for MMO type purposes.