Biped ragdoll problem

hey Guys ,

i just need some help ,

i already have exported character + skeleton from 3ds max to ue4 and until now all work fine , i follow some tutorials and i make the model to follow me and attack me , but the problem is when i set up the ragdoll to the model . When the ragdoll start , the model become stretched and fly in the air . When i do the same setting to the default third person character all works fine , but on my custom model did not :frowning:

i attach the example image of the problem

Thanks so much in advance !

You have to set up the physics asset properly. The physics asset should have been created when you imported the skeletal mesh.
However, the collision bodies and constraints have to be set up properly.

Open it up and press simulate, it should go nuts like when you simulate physics in the game.
The process of setting up a physics asset takes a little while, but as a first step, you need to disable collision between bodies that touch each other. That will stop a lot of the flying/stretching.
Next it’s useful to turn off collision for the root bone (if you have one) and set the pelvis bone linear/angular constraints to “free”.

After that it’s just a matter of making all the bodies the right size and shape, and setting up all their constraints to work realistically. Have a look at the example characters physics asset to learn how.

Thanks Kristiamo ,

i follow all steps , and now the model not fly and it is pretty good , only bad thing is when i press simulate , the hands , legs and the head become simulate detached from the torso ( falling apart )
i attach the image

Thanks so much for the help !

here is the attachment :

i still cant make this work :frowning: bump …

Are they actually detached (as in their roll away afterward) or are they just very loose?

As a quick test of your constraints: go to constraints editing mode (in the top toolbar), then in the bone hierarchy at the top change it from “all bones” to “bones with bodies”.
Now select all the bones from your pelvis down, and press the “to skeletal” in the top toolbar. This will make all the constraints act more like a skeleton.
Does this change what is happening? It’s just a quick preset, you will have to set up each joint individually afterward to make it lifelike, but it’s a quick test to see if the ragdoll is working ok.

Thanks for the help Kristiamo !

No the skeleton is not detached , it is fully attached . i do all the steps that you advise me to do , but still the model break when the simulation begin , i record video to show you , what happens.

i m sorry about bump …but i really need some help on this :frowning:

Did you setup proper limits? If you don’t set proper limits then it would look like a balloon in a hurricane. Think of it like you would create a hinge for a door.


This helped me.

Thanks so much guys !!! i fix it

i have the problem of the missing constraint tab… and the simulation button is on the right side of the upper menu… i made the ragdoll by creating a physics (collision model) for my model and simulated it and all works but not how i wanted it because the ragdoll has no limits… like the jaw i clipping throw the head and so on because of missing constraints…

Was there an UI change in the menu and technic because i cant find it anymore…