Wierd Animation Problem I'm Having [Third Person Character(Video Included)]

Hey Guys,
Need some help… again.
Followed Rakiz Farooq’s awesome tutorials.
I think that maybe the difference in engine version and the fact that i made some custom elements to it,
but still not sure what would be causing these issues,
I fiddled with it for quite a few hours before recording this and just seeking help.
Video of problem: https://youtu.be/pitrCEBrhRw

Hopefully its just a few wires i got mixed up.
Also curious if an enum would help the whole thing out as far as combat modes go.

The reason i posted in blueprints as opposed to animation is because i think it is directly tied to the blueprint end,
specifically my Third person character blueprint.
Any help would be so appreciated.

Thanks, Austin

Couldn’t get the video to post where you could just view it here, sorry for the inconvenience.

Okay so even though I may just be talking to myself, I figured part of it out…
I added an enumeration to the third person character bp which helped a lot.

  1. Not in Combat Mode
  2. Hipfire Combat Mode
  3. Ironsight Combat Mode

This allowed me to set the combat state, so if im in combat I’m able to go into hipfire mode and choose which one i need to be in depending on the button press.
(Note: I still cannot change animation states without pressing the LMB, then pressing MMB. Personally I think they whole thing is being driven from the IronSights BP, but not sure how.)

Now as far as the walking animation in hipfire, i had to calculate my direction and speed for the hipfire animation, not just the ironsight animation. Not sure why but I’m guessing that because i set a variable so they would be different, it actually set them apart and needed to be defined separately. That being said though, it does now work.

Also noticed that while the equip animtion is driven by the left mouse button press, the middle mouse button drives whether or not its going to let me switch between ironsights and hipfire anim modes… Im so confused.

Now I Mostly need help with the equip/unequip animation not working, and the fact that my entire character animation is based on a single button press. Is it possible for thee equip anim to be tied to the IronSight Anim? It Seems if it is in the equip anim, then it will show the equip/unequip animation full through. Otherwise it just pops into the socket as shown in the video.
Again, any help would be much appreciated.


At 10:12 in your video, you are supposed to link the WeaponLocomotion cache on both true and false pins of the ‘Blend by bool’ node. The node just controls whether or not to use the aimoffset. By attaching the Locomotion cache on the false path you are completely bypassing the slot node, so no montage will play when you exit combat mode because the bool is set to false immediately.

Asides from that since you have multiple combat mode indicator bools you need to account for all of them, you are only using the one for iron sight so your result will be unexpected in all other cases.

A better design would be to use a single bool and have other variables or enums to denote substates like what type of weapons you are currently using. For example you can add multiple weapon equip animations to a single montage, in this case you need a single bool to indicate when you have entered combat mode, play the montage then immediately use an enum or other variables to jump to the relevant animation section within the same montage.