C++ VR Template

Hey all,

As of now, the VR template is only available in blueprint project mode.

I re-created the VR template in C++, so it’s basically the FPS C++ Template with grabbing and grab animation. Some of us don’t like to use blueprints for game logic and prefer to use C++ as reasonably as possible.

I didn’t implement teleporting since I’m not using it in my game but at least this is a good starting place: http://www.katianie.com/SourceCode/Unreal/VRTemplateCPP.zip

Hey @Katianie

I’ve tried several times to download this zip file but couldn’t get due your server breaking the connection. The connection time is not enough though the download is going quite fast (over 1Mb/s) and I guess that others had the same problem. Do you mind sharing this through wetransfer, google drive or some other way? Thank you.