Security Components for UnrealEngine

What is this?
Its security components framework for your UnrealEngine game.

Encryption - encrypt/decrypt functions (AES, DES, 3DES and etc…)

Signing - RSA/DSA signing and verification

Hashing - MD5, SHA1, SHA512 and etc…

SecurityVariable - encrypted in runtime variable

SecurityDetectors - framework for registering some code or data anomaly (example - weapon spread = 0 or same ********)

AntiWorldFreeze - detect or prevent process suspend/freeze or main loop suspend (like a NtSuspendProcess or same)

AntiTimeFreeze - detect or prevetn system/tick/timer suspend/freeze

ApplicationDetector - detect some external or internal suspected application or modules (for example - CheatEngine or x64dbg)

AntiCheat - detect and prevent some cheat methods

AntiDebugger - detecting debugger

AntiCLRDebugger - detecting and preventing .NET managed debugger and/or profile (not working with Mono(!))

HardwareID - collect unique information about system hardware or if external protector apply - use protector SDK method

Trust API - making direct calls of NT and Win32 API function from ntdll.dll/kernel32.dll/advapi32.dll/user32.dll and call it itself (prevent breakpoint / step-by-step / monitor tracing)

External protector(s) integration - just 1-Click integration of ANY protector, supported list - VMProtect (VMProtect Software ) [FULL] + StarForce (OOO “Protekshen tehnolodzhi” ) [IN PROGRESS]

Support - Win32 + Win64 (HTML5, Android, iOS and etc NOT SUPPORTED)

Specially designed for UnrealEngine, not port from other engine

Easy modular design

100% commented and documented in UnrealEngine code style on Russian and English language

100% C++ and Blueprint too, as result - you can use it without C++ coding :slight_smile:

Current status
About 45-55%, we are planning 1st alpha release in Jan-Feb 2017

Its will be free and open-source plugin, we are still not sure about license name - maybe custom EULA or maybe one of from OSL

We will be happy to see community comments, questions or requests

Small law tip - We not affilated to Epic Games, part of plugin name “for UnrealEngine” only notice about this components designed special for UnrealEngine and didnt mean other.

Looks good. Is there a plan of implementation?

No, its already implemented and tested on about 50%+