Training Livestream - Pawn Movement Techniques - Oct 4th - Live From Epic HQ

We have gotten a lot of feedback asking about making alternative movement mechanics from the standard character movement component or navmesh driven characters. In this stream and explore other ways of getting pawns from point A to point B for different types of charaters, including tile-based and physics driven movement. Tune in and learn how to move it move it!

Tuesday, October 4th @ 2:00PM ET Countdown]



  • Senior Technical Writer -
  • Community Manager

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!

Download Project Here!


maybe they wouldn’t run into each other if they stopped looking at the ground while they run.

but it is very realistic for humans because we never look where we’re going! :wink:

*** maybe they all need to get more sleep & catch some ZZZZZZZZZZZ’s , eh? ***
*** maybe watch what we are Looking At! ***

catch some Z’s (Zeta) get it? :slight_smile:

Will this be recorded to watch anywhere else if I cant make it to the stream?

Yeah , streams are available on Twitch and YouTube channels !

so ya didn’t think my joking was very Punny huh? :o

would ya’ll mind looking at this issue & explain what’s going on & how to avoid it in 4.13 & if it still exists in a new project in 4.13:!

is this the function you’re using in this example?
(w/ a Zero in the Z) :slight_smile:

thx much

This topic is really cool! Could you please include some examples for root motion? I think it’s kind of tricky to figure out how this works properly :slight_smile:

I would really like to see something related to movement starts/stops, turns, etc! =)

nice :smiley: can’t wait, that’s 8pm in Amsterdam right?

Countdown is wrong )

Would physics based movement work in a multiplayer game? I thought physics weren’t perfectly deterministic and in sync between server and clients.

Any you guys upload the project so I can give a better look to the blueprints ?

It’s on the Learn tab in the launcher. The name is “Turn-Based Strategy”

Awesome, thanks

ooh ooh do parkour how to stream that would be awesome :smiley:

The Strategy Game is actually the tower defense game, did you mean that ? I dont see anything else named “Strategy Game”

I meant the blueprints that were presented in the live stream.

Sorry, it was “Turn-Based Strategy” that was my fault for misspeaking. The BPs for the physics characters will be uploaded in a bit, once we have the archive up it’ll be shared on the forums.

yeap I see it, downloading now, I shall wait for the rest. Thanks :slight_smile:

The Physics Movement project files have been uploaded, download them here!

For some reason, when I switch out the physics pawn with my own character he stops using physics animation, and I cant shoot him, and it cant smash destructable objects anymore, just kind of flashes. I tried my own physics asset, which shoots the character off the screen, and the default mans physics asset. I double checked bone names in the variables but still can’t get it to work. Do you know of something really obvious I could be missing? video of the working one: just breaks when another character is used


solved Shut it down to grab beer. When I came back it worked. Thumbs up!