Auto Updates For Games Enabled by Default for Games on Launcher - Does Not Affect UE4

Hey all,

I wanted to give you a quick heads up about today’s launcher release and a change that may affect you. We’ve enabled auto-update on our games by default, so if you have Paragon, Fortnite or Unreal Tournament, It will automatically begin an update when you sign in. **This does not affect editors such as UE4 or anything under the modding tab, **however, we know a number of you play games from Epic as well and wanted to let you know :slight_smile:

This can be disabled by entering the new “Settings” menu by clicking the gear icon. For more information on this release, check out James’ post here on the Latest Launcher Release Notes thread.

So Chance,
I’m looking in the setting option to turn this feature off. It turns out that I have UT, Fortnite, Pargon and Shadow Complex installed in addition to using the engine. When logging in, the idea of starting a 16+ gig download session on startup isn’t a great option for me. How can I set each game to the status that I want?

The gear icon Chance mentioned is actually on the action button for each game (if the game is currently downloading or queued you have to cancel it to see this), and will let you control the “Update Automatically” setting on a per-game basis.

Thanks Jamie Dale,
I kept looking at the “settings” gear on the top status line of the ENGINE. No wonder I couldn’t find the options to turn each game on or off…

Now that I re-look at the games, I see their setting options.