Ability to set default Mobility of all meshes during FBX Import to Static

It would be very helpful to be able to set the default mobility of all static meshes to “Static” in the import dialogue beforehand.

Going into the imported FBX blueprint, selecting every contained mesh, and setting them to static can lock up the editor for a number of minutes as it goes through each one of the meshes in a complex architectural model.

Hi erlpnyc,

When you import a skeletal mesh or static mesh it’s not possible to set the mobility. Mobility for the asset doesn’t come into play unless it’s inside a Blueprint or already placed in the level. These aren’t settings that you can set in the Static Mesh Editor or Persona (Skeletal Mesh Editor).

Depending on your system specs, if you’re changing the mobility of a lot of actors in your components list will take a moment to process. With something like 250 components in one of my test BPs it only takes a couple of seconds to go through and change, but there is a pause while it’s processing in the editor as it goes through the list.

I see. Just to clarify- I am referring to the new FBX Scene Import dialogue.

There is a checkbox for “Import as Dynamic” which I leave unchecked, however, once imported, each of the meshes have their mobility set to “Movable” regardless.

Ah Gotcha!

With that when it imports it automatically creates the Blueprint if you’re using the default setting which explains why you see that option. I’ve used it some but not a whole lot yet, so I’ll have to look and see. I’ll see if there is something here worth putting a feature request or bug for if it’s not working as intended and get back to you.

Thanks for clarifying!



I’ve submitted UE-32354 for this issue.

This seems more like a bug than a feature request really as I would expect that unchecking the option for “import as dynamic” should default to setting the components in the BP actor to static.

Thanks for again for clarifying. :slight_smile:


I see this was fixed in the .13 preview-- thanks Tim! Huge help.

This problem is back again in Engine Version 4.15. Please fix again. Thank you (and please don´t ignore it or delay it too long, thanks in advance)

I really need this to be fixed very soon.