Export mesh with LoDs from UE4?


Is that possible? (Including LoDs)

Not at the moment, no, although I’d love for that to happen as well.

That’s exactly the reason I’m asking this.
Most of the nature packs from marketplace are so poorly done (texture on huge flat planes) I have to modify all the main meshes and lods to fix the performance impacts caused by overdraw. Simply exporting the textures and making main mesh + lods from scratch requires some time people usually don’t have.

Side note: Why such nature packs go on marketplace…

Sorry to bump such an old thread, but I came here with the exact same question. Is there still no way to do this? I need to be able to modify the skeleton (specifically, to add IK target bones; I dont even need to change the mesh or the skinning or anything affecting the existing heirachy) on a skeletal mesh on something from the marketplace, but I really don’t want to lose and/or redo the LODs.